Atkins, VA

5/23/12 – 542 miles
I’m at a road crossing near Atkins, VA. I needed a motel in the worst way. My laundry had almost two weeks of sweat and grime incrusted in it, I was beginning to smell like a Billy goat, and I’ve had a head cold and cough that beckoned a rest. The motel is no Holiday Inn but a lot better than tenting in the rain. I will take a zero tomorrow and hopefully heal.

Today as I was blowing a snot rocket I realized how far the crowd I hike with has moved from civility. There may be several hikers preparing a meal at a picnic table and someone has his leg on the table performing surgery on his foot.

3 Responses to “Atkins, VA”

  1. Daryl says:

    I’m so glad to read about your adventure again. The long wait was no fun!

    542 miles! About 1/4 of the way, right?

  2. Don says:

    Just goes to show that Lord of the Flies is closer to real than you would think.

  3. Heather says:

    Dale- I don’t comment often but I have enjoyed reading about your journey. Be safe and keep the posts coming!

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