
2015-06-13 14.51.37

A violent thunderstorm came through this afternoon, and along with torrential rains, dumped a coating of hail on the ground. The temperature went from 65 to 45 in just a few minutes. Heavy rain is loud on Minnie’s roof but hail is deafening. I was listening to some music on my laptop and finally had to give up and turn it off. I should look around for my earphones in case it happens again.

I keep writing for my blog but there is no way to post. Everywhere I ride on my motorcycle I check for a cell signal and so far have come up empty. This camp is still 50 miles north of Grand Canyon. There may be service there but I don’t think I will go and find out.

It has been almost too cold here. The temperature rarely gets above 70° and the nights can get downright chilly. I built a rack for my propane tank so that I can carry it on my motorcycle. I use a little propane for heat in the mornings, and not wanting to run low, ran into Jacob Lake yesterday to fill my tank.

With all the cloudy skies it has been a challenge to get a full charge on my batteries. Even on sunny days the trees block all but the midday sun. I don’t like running the generator to charge so I have been rationing somewhat by recording shows in the evening and watching them during the day, or just reading more.

My plan is to drive back to Phoenix next week. I think I heard 107 degrees come out of the mouth of some weatherman so I hope to get my errands done quickly.

I’m now 20 miles north of Flagstaff.

2 Responses to “Hail”

  1. Dick says:

    It’s ugly here now. You are definitely not going to enjoy it.

  2. Donna says:

    Looking forward to seeing you this week. We should try to go see a movie.

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