4/17/12. 7 miles-
The NOC is quite a complex. There are cabins, restaurants, stores, an outfitter, and kayak rentals. I took a shower and washed my clothes, picked up supplies, and had a half-pound cheesburger, then headed out of town. Hikers refer to places like these as blackholes. Once you get in them, you have a hard time getting out.

The climb out of the NOC was really hard. You start out at 1300 feet and climb to over 5000 in six miles. It’s one of those mountain that have several false tops. Every time you think you’ve reached the top, just out of site is more mountain, and then at the top of that is more mountain, until at last you come to what your sure is the top, but no, there is still more to climb.

I spent the night camped by a lofty shelter made for 14 people, but tonight because of rain packed with about 18. I am tenting and hope to stay dry.

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