Wind Delay

I’m still at Lethbridge Walmart along with several other RVers waiting for the wind to let up. It was so bad last night that my fridge flame blew out and I awoke to a fault code on the display. I talked with a few of my fellow travelers parked beside me that confirmed they are just waiting for the wind to calm down before pushing on north. Tomorrow looks like a good travel day.

4 Responses to “Wind Delay”

  1. Barbara says:

    Windy here in Flagstaff to day, too, but I’m sure not as bad as where you are. I was still able to drive safely back to camp from town. Glad you’re holding up – better safe than sorry. 🙂

  2. Dick says:

    Yep. Red Flag warnings are up here in the Coconino. Wind rocked our rig all night and it is supposed to be worse during the day. Nice thing about your trip is that there is no reason to travel when conditions are less than ideal. Your only schedule is to be out of Alaska before winter sets in again.

  3. Donna says:


  4. Kim says:

    Enjoying following along on your exciting adventure!

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