8/19/12 – 1760 miles
It’s hard to find time to blog when the end of the day brings several tired hikers together to talk, joke, and plan for the next day. By the time I get to my tent where I’m alone and can write about the day, I’m often too tired to pick up my phone and compose my thoughts.
Yesterday was an interesting day. As Dead Eye and I came out of the woods into the outskirts of Hanover, we spotted Kleenex by a mailbox of one of the homes. She said that the people were looking for help stacking some firewood and in exchange would make us lunch. We decided to oblige and after working for about 45 minutes, not only got lunch but showers and laundry besides.
Hanover was a long road walk but eventually reached town and visited several stores for supplies. Dead Eye had to purchase new shoes because his old ones ripped out along one seam. I neaded supplies from the pharmacy and we all resupplied at the grocery store. Kleenex, Dead Eye, and I all spent the night at the first shelter only a mile out of town.
Today we walked 16 miles over a pretty tall mountain and are camped at the home of a trail angel named Bill. Bill is 85 years old and loves to talk to hikers. He has a cooler full of sodas for us and gives everyone ice cream. The girls also appreciate the use of the bathroom. Here tonight are: Kleenex, X & N Trovert, Tall Oaf, Wheezy, Dead Eye, and Castaway. Bill says he will make coffee in the morning.
Dead Eye says this is not the wilderness experience he expected.
There are four new names I have not heard before. Are they, by any chance SOBOs or section hikers? Otherwise, have you met them before? (If X &N are two people.)
I’ve heard most of these hikers’ names through your blog or Kleenex’s. It looks like Daryl picked a section of trail that weaves in and out through lots of small towns. You had much longer wilderness stretches in the southern states. But at least you two are together and walking.
A lot more wilderness starts just about the time I leave them. Tomorrow is my last day on the trail. We are going over a “high” “mountain”. Both words are in quotes because coming from the west it is neither. But the climb is very steep and will be all I can handle, so I’m glad it’s not at 12000 feet.
Castaway stay at the Lakeshore House if not check with owner for food delivery in the 100 mile wilderness $20 a 5 gallon bucket with 3 bucket minimum let her in advance an other hikers can piggyback on your date and 3 buckets will not be a problem. Be sure to make reservations in advance